- Marshall McLuhan, "Understanding Media"

- “Immediacy, Hypermediacy, and Remediation” by Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin from Remediation

- “Mediation and Remediation” by Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin from handout of Remediation (pg.53-62)

- “Images as the Text: Pictographs and Pictographic Logic” by Johanna Drucker and Jerome McGann

- A is for Ox by Barry Sanders

- “The Gutenberg Galaxy” in Essential McLuhan (pg. 112-148)

- “Maps, Knowledge, and Power” by J. B. Hartley

- “Mapping the Digital Empire” by Jason Farman

- Hamlet on the Holodeck by Janet Murray, Ch. 3

- “A Rape in Cyberspace” by Julian Dibbell

- “Naked in the Nonopticon” from The Chronicle Review

- “With Friends Like These…” from The Guardian

- The Facebook Project

- “How Twitter Creates a Social Sixth Sense” from Wired

- “Ambient Intimacy”

- “How YouTube Changes the Way We Think” from Wired

- “The Secret World of Lonelygirl” from Wired

- Works of Electronic Literature, March 26:

- Click HERE for the DTC 375 Chat Room (be sure to type your FULL NAME as your user name instead of "guest")

- “Can there be a Form Between a Game and a Story?” by Ken
Perlin in First Person (pg. 12-18)

- “A Preliminary Poetics for Interactive Drama and Games” by Michael Mateas in First Person (pg. 19-33)

- "Ludology" and “Towards Computer Game Studies” by Markku Eskelinen in First Person (pg. 35-44)

- “Genre Trouble: Narrativism and the Art of Simulation” by Espen Aarseth in First Person (pg. 45-55)

- “Representation, Enaction, and the Ethics of Simulation” by
Simon Penny in First Person (pg. 73-84)

- “Videogames of the Oppressed: Critical Thinking, Education, Tolerance, and Other Trivial Issues” by Gonzalo Frasca in First Person (pg. 85-94)

syllabus blog links student work